Patient Billing Information
Thank you for choosing Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center as your orthopaedic healthcare provider. We are truly privileged and honored to serve you. Please refer to the following for any patient billing questions you may have.
Billing Statements
Depending on the nature of your care at Crystal Clinic, you may receive multiple billing statements, including separate invoices from physician, facility, anesthesia, and laboratory/imaging.
Typically, you will receive one bill for the physician’s professional services (Crystal Clinic Inc.) and another invoice for facility charges (Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center) including fees for room charges, supplies, technical services, and similar facility-based charges.
Additional Information about our pricing is available for your reference.
Pay Online
Crystal Clinic now makes bill paying simpler with convenient and secure, 24/7 Online Bill Pay service at no cost to you.
Affordable Payment Options Available
Crystal Clinic has partnered with BridgeMed to offer affordable payment options, so you can pay your bill over time without incurring any interest or fees. Enrollment is fast, easy, and automated, with customized payment plans that fit your preferences and budget.
If you have an outstanding balance greater than $250 and would like to enroll, sign up here (monthly payments powered by PayZen).
Help is just a phone call away!
Crystal Clinic is here to help address all patient billing questions objectively and professionally. We are here to help you and your caregivers better understand any and all charges related to patient care.
Have questions? Simply call the appropriate number below to talk with a customer service representative. Financial counselors are on staff to help.
Facility (Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center) or Physician Billing (Crystal Clinic, Inc.) can be reached at (800) 818-0886.
The Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center is committed to being ethically responsible to the patient for the billing process and resolution of conflicts associated with patient billing. We will provide assistance to patients seeking to understand the charges related to their care. The Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center will resolve all patient billing questions objectively and professionally.
Our Billing Services Administrator
To provide you with best-in-class billing services, we partner with Odyssey Health Systems to administer our invoicing. For additional information about this service, please contact:
Odyssey Health Systems
3340 West Market Street
Suite 200
Akron, OH 44333
Phone: (800) 818-0886
Do not mail payments directly to Crystal Clinic or Odyssey Health Systems. Please use the remittance address on your statement.
Pricing Detail
Crystal Clinic is proud to be transparent about pricing and is happy to provide you with the following patient pricing detail.
In compliance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3727.42, Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center provides the Patient Price Information List containing the facility’s charges for room and board, operating room, physical therapy, radiology and other procedures.
For the facility’s complete list of service descriptions and charges, please consult our Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center Chargemaster List*. This document is in compliance with The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services fiscal year 2019 inpatient prospective payment system (or IPPS) final rule. For more information about this requirement, please visit this PDF.
To view a list of standard charges for each diagnosis-related group (based on 2023 claims), please see our 2023 Average Charge Per Case By DRG. This document was established to comply with section 1886(d)(4) of the Social Security Act.
Please Note:
Charges are the same for all patients. However, a patient’s responsibility for payment may vary dependent on payment plans negotiated with the individual health insurer.
The above lists do NOT include fees for any hospital-based physician services that are commonly billed separately by the corporations providing that care.
Uninsured or underinsured patients should consult with Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center admitting and billing staff to determine whether any discounts apply. See Customer Service contact information above.
*The information provided is a comprehensive list of charges for each inpatient and outpatient service or item provided by a hospital, also known as a chargemaster. It is not a helpful tool for patients to comparison shop between hospitals or to estimate what health care services are going to cost them out of their own pocket. For more information about the cost of your care, please contact our patient financial services staff at: (800) 818-0886.